Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter Storms

The groundhog may have predicted an early spring, but Mother Nature sees it differently!  Ice and snow storms have ravaged homes and businesses that have barely had time to clean up from Superstorm Sandy.  So how do you protect your clients?  You give them information they need to be prepared and to minimize risks where possible.

Our friends from Northland Insurance and Northfield Excess & Surplus Lines sent us some useful information we thought we would pass along.

"This weekend’s historic winter storm left many homes and buildings with heavy snow accumulations on their roofs. Northland wants you to know that there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of property damage or personal injury from the weight of snow, such as removing the first 3-4 feet of snow near the eaves. This is a particular concern for areas where rain is predicted, as the rain will greatly increase the weight of snow and also create the potential for ice dams when snow re-freezes.
Helping prevent snow/ice load roof collapse
Winter storms can bring an array of potential exposures and hazards to property, people and business. Record snowfalls especially present the potential for roof collapse. To help prevent snow/ice-related roof collapse, the following steps should be taken. A structural engineer or qualified professional also should be consulted.
Preparing for the next winter storm [understanding load capacity]
  • Know how much snow your building can safely handle. Older buildings may be designed to lesser code.
  • Know the load capacity of your roof to prevent compromising its integrity and the potential for roof collapse. 
  • Be aware of the potential impact of drifting snow.
  • Assess the roof and structure inside and out for damage, cracks or corrosion and make repairs.
  • Inspect and clear all roof drains and gutters of debris to avoid ice accumulation, a contributor to roof collapse.
  • Buildings built before 2000 with standing seam metal roofs may have a design weakness. 
  • Buildings with wood bowstring truss roofs are prone to failure due to truss deterioration where it meets the wall.
Develop a plan to safely remove the snow
  • Establish a Snow Removal roof monitoring Plan to know when and how to engage in snow removal before too much snow/ice accumulates. Use of large snow blowers on a heavily, snow-loaded roof may present an excessive load.
  • A Snow Removal Plan should be reviewed by a structural engineer and roofing contractor.
  • Snow removal should be done safely and by trained individuals.
  • If a contractor does the removal, have a signed contract with appropriate language holding you harmless.
  • Ask the contractor to provide proof of adequate insurance coverage.     
Develop a contingency plan
  • Develop contingency plans to protect your building, contents, equipment, operations and people.
  • Identify alternate locations or companies to help keep your business operational.
  • Move goods and equipment to alternate locations or cover with tarps to protect them from damage.
  • Identify location of shut-off valves for gas, water and electrical utilities.
  • Be prepared to turn off automatic sprinkler systems.
During the winter storm
  • Monitor amount of snow, ice accumulation and snow drift across the entire roof and along long ridge lines.
  • Implement the Snow Removal Plan and safely monitor snow depth on roofs.
  • When removing snow from roofs, do not block building exits, fire hydrants, or utility valves.
  • Do not place piles where melting snow can cause seepage or flooding inside the building.
  • Know the warning signs of building structure stress and potential for collapse.
  • Contact a structural engineer for immediate inspection if there are signs of structural deflection or damage.
  • Shutdown of gas mains and sprinkler systems may be advisable if collapse is considered likely. Eliminate sources of ignition before turning off sprinkler systems.  Contact the fire department and property insurance company before turning off automatic sprinkler systems.
  • Implement contingency plans if collapse is imminent or has occurred.
After the storm
  • Inspect your property for damage and implement your contingency plan.
  • Prepare for the next storm and make changes to your snow removal and contingency plans as necessary.
  • Report any damage and claims promptly."

Thank you for choosing Jimcor Agencies.

The information provided in this document is intended for use as a guideline and is not intended as, nor does it constitute, legal or professional advice.  Northland, Jimcor, and Travelers do not warrant that adherence to, or compliance with, any recommendations, best practices, checklists, or guidelines will result in a particular outcome.  In no event will Northland, Jimcor, Travelers or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates be liable in tort or in contract to anyone who has access to or uses this information.  Northland, Jimcor, and Travelers do not warrant that the information in this document constitutes a complete and finite list of each and every item or procedure related to the topics or issues referenced herein.  This material does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy issued by Northland or Travelers, nor is it a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy.  Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law.