Everyone is attending holiday parties - industry association parties, Chamber of Commerce parties, etc. What have your friends from Jimcor learned over the years that can help you not be a "Card Collector" when you attend these functions or any trade show or event for that matter?
Sue Linn, Sr. Commercial Lines Underwriter in Jimcor's Mount Laurel, NJ Office will be attending many industry association events this season. You can see her at the PIANJ Women's Business Forum on December 16th! One thing Sue mentioned is that whenever she is talking to someone at these events you have to give them your undivided attention.
"This is hard because there are so many people to see, and so little time. But you have to make sure the person you are talking to feels like the most important person in the room at that particular moment."
How do you do that? Eye contact. Don't look over their shoulder at the next person you want to talk to even if you really have to get away. "If you do have to leave the conversation," suggests Sue, "take their business card and take out your pen and write a note on the back of it in front of them with a reason to call them in the next day or two. But you have to let them see it! Let them know they are important."
Ken Zaloom, who works with Jimcor's Admitted Markets and has been seeing a lot of Worker's Compensation business as of late, was recently at the Independent Agents' of Rockland County Holiday Party.
"There were key people I wanted to talk to going into the evening," noted Ken. "But as the night went on I noticed I had a pocket full of cards and I still hadn't had the chance to talk to some of the people I really wanted to see. What I decided to do was work with the person from Jimcor who came with me and we sort of split the room to make sure we had a chance to talk to everyone. That allowed me to spend time with the people I wanted to spend time with and let them know that we were interested in their business, but still make contact with everyone in the room."
What do both of these stories have in common? Making the person you are talking to feel important. Don't rush the conversation.
One thing that Sue and Ken both mentioned is the MOST important thing to do after any event or trade show?
Call the hot prospects the next day, wait a day or two for everyone else. But the hot prospects - pick up the phone. Don't assume they got your email. How do you remember what was hot about the prospect? While you are talking to them at the event, take out your pen and write something on their business card about them - maybe that they are interested in homeowners insurance - or worker's comp. Let them know you are listening. And on your own business card write something as well to make sure they remember you. It can be your cell number if you want them to have it (makes them feel special that they have a direct access number) or just the word homeowner's insurance or worker's comp insurance, etc. You get the picture...
The worst thing anyone can do at these holiday events is be a Card Collector. We have all seen them. They walk around and see how many cards they can get but at the end of the day they forget who half of the people are because the cards generally look the same and they don't follow-up! Admit it - we have all done this at one time or another.
Remember to enjoy yourself. People want to be around you if you are smiling.
Your friends at Jimcor Agencies wish you, your staff and your family a happy and healthy holiday season!
For more information on Jimcor’s program for Worker's Compensation contact your local Jimcor office or visit us on the web at http://www.jimcor.com/.
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