Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jimcor Helps Make Insurance Cool for the Next Generation

Recently I had the opportunity to go into my son Tommy's 5th grade class to talk about the insurance industry.

The American Agent and Broker article (link below or in the title above) talks about my day in the classroom and the students' reactions.

Yes, insurance can be cool. Yes, young children can understand the differences between independent agents and MGA's and insurance companies and the relationships that exist between the three. They learned about how the industry works with local and state governments and about flood and homeowners insurance. And yes, they loved the Dunkin Donuts that I brought in to entice them to listen and ask questions!

Overall the day was a great success.

How can you get started? It's simple - reach out . Just by contacting my high school Accounting teacher I was able to work with students on projects and talk to them about the different careers in insurance while they learned about the industry. Opportunities are out there if you have the time and know where to find the tools. You can utilize resources from associations like PIA and go to organized events like career days, college fairs, etc.

What other ways can we work together to improve the public perception of the industry? How can we get more people interested in careers in insurance if not for today, then as a future career? What are your thoughts? As an industry we need to work on our image with the public. We all know that. Employers allowing staff the time to talk to students, attend events such as a career day make a world of difference. Jimcor giving employees like me the time to give back to the industry and our community only makes our company that much stronger in the end - management realizes and embraces this in our culture. What is your corporate culture?
These kids may have been young, but they learned that insurance is more than a cartoon or lizard. And most importantly, INSURANCE IS COOL!

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